Individual Lesson
Duration: 1 hour
Tailor-made teaching content for student's strengths and weakness
Group Class
Number of students: 2-5
Duration: 2 hours
Guarantee students in the group are from the same school and same grade
All students learn the same topic in the group class
We provide group class to the students from the following schools
VSA Victoria Shanghai Academy
CDNIS Canadian International School
WIS West Island School
SIS South Island School
Island School
STC Sha Tin College
KGV King George V School
GSIS German Swiss International School
ISF Independent Schools Foundation
FIS French International School
LPC Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong
PLKCKY Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School
HISHK Harrow International School Hong Kong
AISHK Australian International School Hong Kong
Logos The HKCCCU Logos Academy
CSS Creative Secondary School
SISHK Singapore International School (Hong Kong)
SPCC St. Paul's Co-educational College
SSC St. Stephen's College
DBS Diocesan Boy's School
HKA Hong Kong Academy
KCIS Kiangsu & Chekiang International Section
YCIS Yew Chung International School
CIS Chinese International School
RCHK Renaissance College
ICHK International College Hong Kong
LUAC ELCHK Lutheran Academy
Online Lesson
Are you studying aboard and need academic help?
CM Square provides online teaching services, students from anywhere in the world can connect with our tutors anytime.
Why online lesson?
1. Convenient to boarding school students
2. Flexible time and place
3. Lesson will be recorded and sent to students for revision